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The Gallery is a not-for-profit Incorporated Association run by volunteers.  We have a paid-up Committee, but do not ask  our suppliers to become members.


President                     Adam Boden

Vice-President             Rodney Ward

Secretary/Treasurer    Dorothy Lincoln

Asst, Treasurer           Betty Zdan

Committee Members    Maria Harrison,                             Regina Harris, Lola Flint

Exhibitors are not recruited as members, as is often the case with community art/craft galleries and craft shops. 


We prefer to have the freedom to invite people to show their work, without expecting them to keep supplying goods long-term.  Or having the bother of organising annual subscriptions, especially as the returns they are getting from sales are low.

Extract from the Constitution

Peak Hill Art Gallery


Incorporated is a not-for-profit community organisation.  The objects of the Peak Hill Art


Gallery Incorporated are

(1)  to build on the culture of the town by providing a place where inspirational

           Art can be viewed in  a business established that will further enhance

           the heritage village look of Peak Hill.

(2)  to encourage artists and crafts persons, including local indigenous artists,                         

           to use their talents and skills for their own satisfaction and well-being  

            and so increase the well-being of the community.

 (3)  to.provide an outlet for artists to sell their Art and crafts persons to sell

          their hand made craft items.


Personal comment.  When we came to Peak Hill from Parkes  in 1981, I already knew about the art and craft activities in the town, and had attended the Annual Exhibitions at the Leisure  Centre.

For 25 years I had been volunteering at Peak Hill Country Crafts.

The Gallery was opened to continue this tradition of involvement in Art, believing that it is a healthy part of community life.  Also, means another shop open in the Peak Hill Shopping Centre.



“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” 

Pablo Picasso 

Join our mailing list

Address: 85 Caswell Street Peak Hill


Contact number  Dorothy  02 6869 1542    0424 228 994.


ADVERTISED TIMES      Tuesday to Saturday 10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.

We take 25% on sales—desperately need to boost sales through visitors to the Gallery

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